My life this past week has (for the most part) been very undisciplined.
Most people would not see that as an issue, but for me, if one area gets out of “disipline” than all of them seem to fall.
Think it started with being sick, so my eating, sleeping, and exercise got out of whack. Being sick and tired I didn’t go to church last weekend (I was supposed to head to Nashville). That didn’t give me the encouragement from being around the Body. My reading in B90x has been off so this weekend I am playing catch up. My house is very out of sorts with boxes everywhere. I have been sleeping on my very very comfy couch, which isn’t a problem, because actually I’ve been sleeping better. I’ve been reading, but not as every day as I need to be. My exercise has been off because of the weather, or staying late to work, or stress at work and just not having the energy when I get off.
This wknd won’t be normal: snow, housing office, power yoga session (can’t wait), hanging with a family, 2 morning services (one to be in a toddler’s class, one for church), lunch with a pastor and his family, Super Bowl, sleeping at a friend’s house after the big game.
So…now I have the task of getting my life back on track – my whole life. Wow – this is a big undertaking – and it has really only been a week! I am a firm believer that every area of life affects the other parts:
Even though I can never be an Elder in the church, I still want some of the qualifications to be seen in my life: (Titus 1)
If anyone is above reproach…as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.