Fat again or Fit 4 Life.
I do great during the week and I’ve done well – doing yoga, exercising, etc. Friday wasn’t good. Most Fridays aren’t – but that doesn’t mean it can slip into the rest of the wknd.
I have to make choice:
1. Be obedient and be fit and healthy with my body working the way God has designed for my body to work.
2. Enjoy oreos, too many baked lays, sugar cookies, hot chocolate just to mindlessly eat, give up on running to quick because of little things that aren’t going perfectly.
I want to:
1. Feel great
2. Be great
3. Look great – love those size 6 jeans!
4. Don’t want sagging skin
5. Invest in others
6. Be there for ministry later in life – and be healthy to do a great job at it.

God has given us a body that was created to be productive and glorify him.
Drinking unsweet tea right now – and doing pilates when I get off work at 930 tonight.
Tomorrow: work, vegetarian tea lunch, run out at a park (in the cold, am I crazy, push through), cooking legumes (I always feel fancy when I say that word in my head), babysitting for a dear family.
Sunday will run in the morning or do yoga before church (it might be snowing outside, so I may stick with the yoga).
Monday is a pilates class! 🙂