There are many things I would love to say about this race:
1. It was cold. I had 4 layers on top on. Then knee length running capris – very comfortable Nike! And fingertip-less gloves. I couldn’t feel my thumbs about halfway through mile 1. Then you just press on. It was a good amount – I didn’t feel bulky and I didn’t get too hot. It was about 32 degrees, though sunny and windless. That was a blessing!
2. Run with friends! I had my friend Sarah and then her two friends. Sarah kept up with her friend for about the first mile, but then her other friend stayed with me the whole time and we pushed each other.
3. Again, didn’t run with an iPod. I think I run better when concentrating on running and not on the music. And I can talk to people and be more aware of my surroundings.
4. New Shoes. All last week my left ankle was killing me. On Wednesday I couldn’t even put my food straight – it would only go sideways. With tennis shoes on. My old running shoes have bit the dust. I went to Kohls on Friday night after picking up my bib and shirt at Louisville Slugger Field and bought new Nike socks and shoes. They were so comfortable! I walked around in them at dinner and really felt like I owned them forever!
5. Train. I hadn’t trained at all for this race. Ok – 3 runs earlier in the week, but not like I should have. I had hopes and plans for the first 2 months of the year, but the weather in the Ville got the best of those. I don’t know what would happen if I actually trained for a race now and if I actually pushed myself!
6. Time: 36.03 – I was only 14 seconds off my PR. I am quite happy with that given the above circumstances.

Now, onto the next one. I may do a smaller one but the next one I am doing is the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half over Labor Day. I need to get signed up for that!
Go Run!