Thanks to Sarah at River City Fitness – I am now a Beautiful Blogger. Sarah – thank you for the award and the friendship we’ve come to have!

Here is how it works:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award. – Thanks Sarah!
2. Paste the award on your blog.
3. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
4. Share seven interesting things about yourself.
5. Nominate up to 7 more beautiful bloggers.
6. Link the bloggers you nominate.
Here’s 7 “interesting” things about myself.

1. I started cooking for my family in the 3rd grade – including grocery shopping at Publix
2. One of my fave meals is baked mac and cheese
3. I started running in January 2009
4. I actually am loving the single life right now!
5. I’m about to move to a beautiful state!
6. I love to enjoy fresh picked produce – like Florida Strawberries!
7. I have lost 55 lbs since April 2008. I’ve kept it off since August 2009 and still want to lose more!

Here are the 7 Beautiful Blogger awards I’m giving out!
1. Beth @ Bethabee
2. Brandi @ Bites
3. Elise @ Simply Recipes
4. Kevin @ Closet Cooking
5. Laura @ In Definition
6. Kari @ Fam
7. Hannah @ Honey & Jam

Thank you all for your inspiration! 🙂