Well, today felt like winter again in the ville. I’m ready for steady and warm weather.
But, I woke up this morning, ate a breakfast good for a run, full of carbs. Got dressed, headed out – and it was raining.
So, I went shopping, good thing to do in the rain. Then it stopped raining and I was hanging out with a friend. So, by the time I got ready to go run, it was raining and the wind had picked up. Not my idea of a fun run when I haven’t paid to do it.
So, I did Bob’s Weight Loss yoga. I haven’t done it in about a month. WOW! I could tell a difference in my arm strength doing planks, and my balance going straight into a downward facing dog, loved the upward facing dog, and thankfully his dvd has no tree poses because I probably would have fallen over! I love tree poses – must do more of those.
I am looking forward to having wireless internet at home again in about 17 days. My computer will have Yoga Download on it most mornings – to work on strength, flexibility, core balance, inches, weight loss, stamina, and give me a chance to get up in the morning, meditate on some Scripture while doing it.
What do you do in the morning to wake you up and get you going for the day?