It is here. Its been coming since the middle of October. I am returning to North Carolina. Yes, to stay! I can’t believe God has given me this amazing opportunity!
Monday: (still in Ville): Wild Eggs, North End (which I went to today, found out they are now open on Monday and am going back), and FABD at home (or temp apt)
Tuesday: Travel is dooley’s bagel with pb, banana, pbj (note carbs and pb), sandwiches and apples for dinner once in Raleigh.
Wednesday: soaked oats for bfast with Dad, lunch somewhere, dinner is roasted salmon and veggies.
Thursday: Breakfast is baked grits casserole from Cooking Light – recipe of the week. Don’t know about the rest of the day.
Friday: same bfast, lunch with Anne Basden, and dinner out somewhere with Dad before he heads back to FL.
Saturday: fruit before run, pbj and fruit salad with KC and Katelyn, and Rudino’s with my roomie and her friends for dinner.
Sunday (EASTER): have no clue except that I will be making some eggs to dye and some spring sugar cookies for the first day of my new job! 🙂
Many new food adventures coming in Raleigh – and getting back on track – no more of this gaining weight!