Greetings for a Saturday night. Its been a good day.
The Durham Farmers’ Market is great local find. All vendors have to be within 50 miles or so of Durham Cty. Which is very local!
I found french breakfast radishes. I have already used them all: in a stir-fry (w broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, zuks) and roasted – which they almost turn to mush. Raw – these have a peppery bite which I’m not used to with regular radishes you buy in the store. I even am going to use the green as a salad tomorrow for lunch.
I found a hybrid green: green leaf and romaine. Hearty lettuce that will stand up for the base of my couscous chicken salad this week.
I also found a winery in Graham that makes Scuppernong and Muscadine wines. So, I tasted all three and liked the Scuppernong the best. May go back and gte some more later – however I was nice and bought my brother some Muscadine wine. Let’s see if he likes it as much as Dakota Winery’s…

Here are my food thoughts:
1. I have been snacking WAY too much. Not even bad stuff – just eating too much. I don’t like that feeling and I don’t like that sin.
2. So, I think I will spend tomorrow journaling about it, getting back to God’s heart on my eating and exercising, and see if we can get a game plan going here for more obedience.
3. I will (starting tomorrow) take my friend Sarah’s advice and maybe try to eat bigger meals so I will not snack every 2 hours to so. I won’t be tempted to open that snack drawer in my office. I won’t be tempted to grab that handful of SweetTart jellybeans! And if I do snack, it has to ve veggies or fruit – plain. Or with mustard. None of these processed pretzels, or cool whip, or even granola which is higher in fat. I need healthy fruits and veggies.
4. I would rather be able to wear all my clothes than to eat more. But, that shouldn’t be more sole reason. I should do it to please my God who sent His Son to die for me. Right now, for me, that doesn’t seem to be a big enough reason. Lord…help.