Some of you may recall that back in January I started B90x – a reading plan from Elevate Church in Charlotte for reading through the entire Bible in 90 days. Started off well, like most New Year’s Resolutions and Bible reading plans.
March is where I really slacked off – as I was preparing to move, pack, late nights, working much – it was tough – I was sinful and lazy in forgetting this daily need.
Well – here is my update. I finished the OT the end of April. I start the NT. Hopefully the NT won’t take me as long as the OT took. I doubt it.
Here are good things about the B90x reading plan:
1. It makes you prioritize the Word. It takes about 50 minutes each day to read the allotted segment. I’m not a fast reader.
2. It helps to give a bigger picture to the Word. One thing I dislike about most reading plans is that you get 2 chapters here and there in 4 different places. I like seeing complete pictures. It helps me follow story lines better. One day I think I read the whole story of Abraham from Ur to death. Joseph followed a day later. It helps when all of Genesis is done in 4 days. You see the connectedness of Scripture.
3. Themes. It also helps because you can draw out themes or words that help in preparing Bible studies or seeing the Big Picture of the Word of God. This was probably my fave part.

I will keep going. His Word is important.