Reading Entrusted with the Gospel this morning, and came to the Mark Driscoll sermon. This quote is a good one. Whether in ministry, design, engaging the culture, reading, healthy living – whatever arena you find yourself: think through this quote:

“Neutrals are Christians (or anyone) at varying stages of their sanctification (or life) who are not leaders but rather easily influenced followers. These impressionable people are prone to being unsure, confused, and fearful, depending upon what information they are given and who they are in relationship with. Neutrals are often caught in the middle when there is a conflict between positives and negatives. A neutral becomes a positive or negative depending upon who their friends are, who they listen to, what information they have access to, what books they read, and which teachers they trust.” – Mark Driscoll, Entrusted with the Gospel, 61.

I don’t think I really started running into these (or can readily recall these) until I got to seminary in 2000. I found many _____-ites (people who followed certain people, fill in the blank). But, it happens in ministry and in blog world.

So…ask yourself: in what area of life are you a neutral? How can you change to be a positive?