This is a strong statement: Death by Love will always be in my top 3 books about the cross of Christ.  There: I said it.  If a non-believer asked me for a book to read: I would offer this.  Powerful, applicable, doctrinally sound, passionate & empathetic.  Gospel.

Mark, in only a way he can, writes profound letters to people he has had conversations with over the years in ministry, telling them how the Cross of Christ covered and remedied their need for a Savior.  Ransom, revelation, redemption, righteousness, reconciliation – and more.  He doesn’t gloss over their sin, he doesn’t make the cross warm and fuzzy.  He inserts the cross of Christ where God did: into the mess of our lives.

He not only writes letters, but then he also gives doctrinally-sound answers to many of the questions raised about the cross.  And he gives books at the end that will help further your understanding about these truths on the cross.

“You can only overcome sin by an ongoing trust in Jesus and reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.” – 59

“The heart of repentance is changing your mind about who is god in your life.  You must stop trying to manage your sin but put it to death before it puts you to death” – 65, 66

This statement brings to mind my favorite part of Genesis.  Chapter 15.

“Furthermore, every covenant has a head, and that person is primarily responsible to ensure that the terms of the covenant are kept.” – 82

Please. Read. This. Book.