One month of 2011 down, 11 more to go.  This next month is going to be busy for me in town – not much out of town.

1.  I may breathe in May, on a cruise ship, to Alaska.

2.  Vegetarianism is going pretty good.  I’m thankful for a paycheck now so I can buy good veggies – and more peanut butter!

3.  Long drives and sits at different coffee shops make me think, and there are always things I need to change in my life.

4.  Hope.  Hope is a strange thing when placed in the wrong place it is detrimental to your faith.  That is sin.  When placed in the right Person – God is faithful to fulfill it.  I’ve experienced the wrong place this past week, and now am back on the right Person.  He is good.

5.  Sometimes I watch online dating commercials, and want to try it.  But, then I go back to #4.

February: speaking in Roxboro, eating some good meals with friends, writing, working on food photography, baby shower for a dear friend, and writing – while I’m at it – I might as well do some more writing.  Self-imposed deadlines, gotta love them! 

Link Love:

1.  Love D. A. Carson – and this is a great message.

2.  Jewelry designer Jess is also a home designer – her studio makes me want to move to Chicago, or at least move to a studio and have great new stuff!  Or design more of my own!

3.  Does anyone need a chocolate cake recipe?  I so have a craving to make this.

4.  This is my spring craft project.