Here we go…

While most of you will be reading this, I’ll be at the funeral for my Granny.  It will be a good, family reunion time.  The gospel will be preached, thankfully.  Granny wouldn’t have wanted us to make a big deal about her – her life was never about her – always about her kids and grandkids. 

I did a tribute (see next post down) but here are some other thoughts.

Granny loved crossword puzzles and she was excellent at them.  I had sleepovers at her house.  Since her and Papa never slept in the same bed, I always got to sleep in the same queen size bed with my granny.  Those were special times for a little girl – sleeping away from home.  We always made popcorn strands to hang out their artificial Christmas tree every year.  She always had the big pear shaped bulbs on her tree.  I always gave her black licorice for Christmas – I knew she loved that.  I even gave her a bag of gourmet black licorice this past Christmas – and I don’t even know if she found time to eat it before having surgery last week. 

My Granny was always active, taking care of grandkids and great-grandkids, swimming with us many summers in the pool, she always wore a t-shirt, never a bathing suit.  She always had every meal on the table for my Papa.  3.  It may have just been rice and corned beef hash, but she always had it ready for him.  He didn’t have to wonder. 

In the last 8 years or so, she had become less active.  She was suffering with macular degeneration.  She was 98% blind the last time I saw her.  But, even though she couldn’t read my letters anymore, and she couldn’t do her crossword puzzles, and her chicken wasn’t quite done anymore when she cooked it, she can see past the shadows clearly now.  There is now no grayish-white film over her eyes.  So excited about new eyes for her. 

I’ve also learned we all grieve differently.  But for me, even though I have cried much this past week (2 funerals in one week, not fun), I know I grieve as one with hope.  That is my stability and my hope.

It was a little blessing for me to be in Florida.  I had just told my Mom that I was going to miss being down here for some strawberries.  Plant City is the strawberry capitol of the world.  So, now I have a flat of fresh picked strawberries to go back with me to NC.  Delicious.  I also have some Publix breakfast bread.  Its the little things in life.

This week I am heading to Gatlinburg on Thursday to speak at a women’s conference for a church from Chattanooga.  God will get glory…He will produce the words He wants me to speak.  I’m looking forward to proclaiming the Gospel to these ladies and myself.  And I get to spend time with two friends, Bekah and Tasya, and enjoy E TN, which I do love.

Here are some links:

1.  I look forward to reading this sermon by John Piper.

2.  I guest posted on a fashion blog.  Thank you for checking it out. 

3.  Love the preaching/writing of D. Martin Lloyd-Jones.  Catch this sketch here.

4.  For all you wives out there, check out this intimacy post on Passionate Homemaking.

Pictures: Lorraine is the name of my Granny.  This was a street near our houses – not named for her, but I remember as a little girl I thought it was.  And the gold trees in Lakeland are gorgeous this time of year.  I went over to Lake Hollingsworth to snap some photos.