1.  The last ten days of my life have left me very tired! 🙂 I even took a Sunday afternoon nap yesterday!  22 minutes of wonderfulness!

2.  The Body of Christ, no matter what church you are in, is such a sweet reprieve for my soul.  I love it when you meet believers and just are instantaneous friends and know that your relationship will be like Iron.

3.  I went to Gatlinburg this past weekend: praise Jesus I don’t live there.  Too many tourists in too small of a place!  But, the mountains are gorgeous.

4.  I spoke on 1 Corinthians 15, Colossians 1, and 1 Peter 2 in three sessions with the ladies of Morris Hill Baptist Church from Chattanooga, TN.

5.  I went hiking with a sweet friend.  Supposed to be a 2.6 mile hike.  However, it turned into a 3.8 hike witha 2.6 mile return on pavement straight up hill.  Fun.  🙂

6.  I love daylight savings time.  More time to run after work!  And that reminds me of summer and movies on the lawn at the NCMA and July 4 at the Kokabooth Amphitheatre in Cary and hiking and any other fun stuff I can relish!

7.  I am again learning trust, patience.  God knows I need daily reminders.

8.  This week: I am looking forward to: being in town!  And by town, I do include Durham!  Just not venturing outside of the Triangle this week.

9.  I’m thinking about money.  In a good way though.  I’m trying to save and not just use the money that I have graciously been given to just accumulate more “stuff”.  I think I’ll get two more items with some tax return money and then save the rest and also be able to bless others with some of it.  Our money is not for us.

Link Love

1.  Since I couldn’t sleep last night, I read most of a VERY LONG but AMAZING review by Kevin DeYoung of Rob Bell’s new book.  And yes, he has read it now…

2.  I actually believe this – and have been thinking much about this.  Thank you Tim!  Do everything through a lens of Scripture!

3.  Love this book recommendation by Brian Croft, a pastor in Louisville: own it today if you don’t already have it.

4.  I love this girl and her amazing testimony and family and life and blessings. 

5.  Do you like Pier 1?  Enter to win this giveaway!

6.  Thank you Durham – I think I’ll want to go here

7.  I would love to wake up in here every morning! 🙂  See number 9 above!

8.  Chef Marcus talks about food and lent

9.  You still have today to enter this giveaway for pretty jewelry from Kendie

10.  Great, hard to read, but needed post by Stephen Altrogge