1.  I had an amazing weekend.  Tubing, water skiing, boating, eating amazing fresh food (that I didn’t cook), resting, talking with my soon to be husband, shopping with 2 of the greatest friends and funnest friends in the world, photog walking, watching Flight of the Navigator (one of my favorite 80s movies), loving on a sweet baby girl (see above picture), praying for missionaries, talking the gospel, eating at Madhatters.  Weekends don’t get much better than this!

2.  I love to hear what God is doing in other countries through the power of the Gospel!

3.  This week is Impact Camp for our students here at pray dot org.  Troy Temple is our camp speaker and this is Bryan Nelson’s first camp as our new youth pastor.  Please pray for both of them!

4.  Tonight I’m singing with the FBC Durham choir at the Durham Bulls game.  We are presenting the National Anthem.  Fun times!  I love summer AAA baseball!  Maybe drugs, egos, salary caps aren’t as prevelant!  Just playing for the love of the game (No, I’m not naive enough to believe that).

5.  New book picking up on Wednesday to read: What Did You Expect – Paul Tripp.  Can’t wait!

6.  Looking forward to an amazing 4 day weekend: wedding planning, friends, fireworks.  LOVE.

Link Love

1.  CJ talks on biblical manhood and womanhood.

2.  I think I wanna try this pizza.  Hmmmm….dinner sometime over the long weekend?

3.  I’m actually seldom in MY kitchen now, but would love to apply these in my new kitchen (come October 8).

4.  Oh my goodness – fabulous summer dessert!  May need to make this for the weekend too!