I wanted to take this time to “plug” for a new(ish) CD that I’ve been blessed by.  And I hope you will be, too.

My fiance’ has had a really big year – God has truly blessed him immensely!  Back in March he handed me one of his CDs hot of the presses – and I have really enjoyed it.  For those of you who like Fernando Ortega or Michael Card, you will love this.  God allowed him to bring together skilled musicians to collaborate on this CD that will bring joy and rest to your personal walk with God.  This is from the CD site: “Arise, My Soul” in concept is an album meant to stir up holy affections for God. It is meant to be a recording that enables the listener to be drawn out of stress, distraction, sadness, discouragement, or fear into a state of blessedness, contentment, and adoration.”  The songs on this CD have been used to bring me peace – literally in the midst of a hail storm.

He arranged the songs, sang of course, and played on the CD as well – you will quickly find out that I’m marrying up when it comes to the talent department (and every other department as well)!

One of my favorite lines on the entire CD is found in verse 4 of song 2:

Then one day I’ll see Him as He sees me,
Face to face, the Lover and the loved;
No more words, the longing will be over:
There with my precious Jesus.

I love this because it speaks of a greater marriage that will take place when Jesus returns for me.  And makes me think of how our earthly marriages are a dim reflection of that great day.

And all the photos for the CD were taken by very talented photographer Rob McDorman

So – do you need rest for your soul in the music you listen to or just need some new music?  May I recommend this one!  Buy on iTunes or through the website or just contact me.  (I know where I can get some CDs)!