Hey folks (whoever you are – let me know if you are reading this, just to say hi!)

Can I tell you how much I love being married?  I love the security of my husband’s love (through Christ).  I love the fact that I go to bed and wake up with him every day.  I love Fridays because we both have off and we get to hang out and eat Thai food together and shop for clothes!  I love knowing that I can tell him how my day has been and he actually wants to hear about it.  I love that I can just sobbing in the kitchen on a Saturday and he’ll put his arms around me (more on that later).

1.  What do you with the question “why”?

2.  How do you keep white space in your calendar during the holidays?  Is that important to you or do you go full throttle and pick the pieces in January?

3.  Some of my friends are leaving RDU – that always makes me sad – but excited for them.

4.  I love intentional relationships.  Knowing that I can be real with people and they will still love me and encourage me.  And on the flip side, surfacy relationships are more difficult for me.

5.  I am learning there is much pride in my life.  My heart is ugly – but bought for – and God keeps santifying it more and more each day.  That is His purpose in my life: to make me more like Christ.

6.  Wives/mothers: do you have a housekeeping schedule?  What is it?  Would you share?

7.  I liked this post by Tim Challies about women and the public reading of Scripture in corporate worship.

8.  I think every woman should study theology.  Note: I didn’t say every woman needs to attend seminary: but every woman who professes Christ needs to study about God.  Here is an excellent post on the subject.

9.  We decorated our first Christmas tree together last night.  We picked up the tree on Friday and then finally had time to decorate it last night.  How fun – and there were (thankfully) not “discussions” (hint: arguments).

10.  Leave it to Stephen Altrogge to lay it down about America’s shopping habits.

11.  What are your Christmas plans and what was your first Christmas like when you first got married?  Just curious!

Enjoy the beginning of December!  This month has a magical feel to it.  Soak it up.