There is some exciting news in the Campbell home to share:

1.  As of mid-April I will be a stay at home wife.  This decision was made with prayer, wisdom, seeking advice, and just knowing that it is time.  My job, which I love, as a writer of curriculum for a local church, was demanding in the deadlines.  It has been a wonderful two years of launching Treasuring Christ with a group of great people at Providence.  But, now is the time to call working for others quits.  I will be grateful for time to spend in quietness and reading and also planning meals, cooking more, cleaning the house better, serving my husband, discipling girls, showing hospitality!

2.  The other piece of exciting news is the main force that prompted #1: E and I are expecting!  That is right…there is a little baby growing in my uterus right now.  Seems kinda strange – but it is a miracle from God the beautiful Creator.  This first trimester has been one in teaching me faith and sharing in this journey with my wonderful husband who will get me pb toast at 3am.  Blessed man! 🙂  He has dealt with having clothes that lay un ironed for weeks on end and a kitchen that’s not spotless!

Before I was married I would have said that I would have liked to have stayed working, thinking it was possible.  Then as a mother, sure, I know others who do it, why can’t I?  But, (actually I’m sitting in the same coffee shop that E and I had that first conversation about this subject less than a year ago) I could dream of not doing what I do.  Now with many changes, the Lord has pried my hands off of this and giving me something so precious: a husband, a baby, and a home to care for.  I need more sleep than 6 hours, I multitask, I don’t want others having the main influence of my child during most days of the week (at least in the preschool years, since we haven’t fully decided on schooling yet), and I don’t have more than 24 hours in the days to care for my husband, cook meals, clean the home, sleep, care for myself, and care for a baby.  Sorry – I’m not that skilled.  I know others do it and as a wise woman told me about a decade ago: its all about priorities.  A wife’s main priority is her husband, home, and children.  If you can work outside the home and keep those as a main priority without them suffering, then do as the Lord leads.  But, like I said, I’m not that skilled. 

So, I have some books in my head, some blogposts that desperately need writing, and it will be nice to freelance and speak more because I’m not writing on someone else’swork schedule (though I know a baby and husband have their own schedules)!