Mother’s Day was one that brought many thoughts flooding into my head.  Actually – I had been thinking about it days before and continue to think about it today – so I guess I should say the topic floods my mind with thoughts!  Can a topic flood?  That was just for my editor who corrects my grammar!

This was indeed my first Mother’s Day.  I am thankful for Baby Campbell in my tummy and he was kicking up a storm – even so that my sweet hubs felt him continually.  Felt like he was getting rearranged or something in there last night as I was laying on the couch.  E gave me a sweet card with two little white booties on the front.  I love carrying his baby!  He is such a kind husband!

My MIL and FIL came over for lunch.  We had pecan glazed salmon, green beans, scalloped pototoes (who can go wrong with 3.5 cups of heavy wbippjng cream?), crescent rolls, with homemade Italian Cream Cake for dessert.  These were my MIL’s wishes – so I obliged her.  The Italian Cream cake is my favorite and it was my first time making it.  Except for some of the cake not coming out of the pans, it was delicious.  Enjoying leftovers definitely!

I did call my Mom, though probably the last Mother’s Day I actually spent with her in person was 2007.  That’s a long time.  Thankful that she keeps me posted on family members and what is going on in the sunshine state.  I asked her to tell me more memories of her mother, my Granny, who has now been gone for 2 mother’s days.  She told me Granny could draw really well.  I didn’t know that.  Ask, learn, pass down information!

Here are my random thoughts:

1.  What a great responsibility that God has blessed us with in raising a boy.  To raise him to be kind, loving, a servant, a follower of Christ, a manly man, to bear his responsibility for masculinity well by grace.  Honestly, I was leaning toward wanting a girl, even though I was 100% we are having a boy, just because I like pink and purple!  But, oh, what a privilege to raise baby in light of Jesus!

2.  I hurt for all those women out there who can’t have children, either ever or just for a season.  I know too many of them.  I hurt for the ones who have miscarried recently or have lost their babies to sickness. My heart aches for them.

3.  I love learning from mothers who aren’t my mothers: Phyllis, Tina, Danna, Lindsay – especially those four – what a blessing! (They all have boys and I hope to be learning from Amber and Betsy soon!

4.  I hurt for the women who aren’t even wives yet but so want to be married and be able to have children.  I have known that want for quite a long time, but God in His graciousness saw fit.

5.  I hurt for ones who have lost their moms.  What a painful, bittersweet, heaven-filled joy (hopefully) of memories of their Mom.  I wish my E had gotten to know my Granny.  I still miss her. 

Photo credit: GreenFlash Productions