Do we really live our lives in such a way that we would be considered Trinitarians – not Bi-nitarians.  Definition: living life in such a way that we are in community with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, not just Father Son.

In the biblical communities (ie churches) that I have been a part of for my whole life, the majority of the talk is either on God the Father or God the Son, Jesus.  Not many of the traditions I’ve been in focus in (if at all) on the Spirit.  I’m not necessarily talking about the “charismatic gifts” such as prophecy and speaking in tongues or lifting your hands and dancing in the aisles during a church service.

But, for many believers there is an error on either side:

1.  We don’t recognize the role of the Holy Spirit enough: whether in our prayers or our experiences

2.  We over emphasize the role of the Spirit in unbiblical ways.

“Spiritual experience that does not arise from God’s Word is not Christian experience.  But when we study God’s word we should pray that the Spirit of God will not only inform our heads but also inspire our hearts.” – Total Church by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, pg 31

I’ve heard many folks say: God led me to do this, God is calling me into this profession, etc.  The only thing wrong with statements like these is that in the instances I am thinkig about – the object of what God said for them to do does not line up with the perfect authoritative Word of God.  The Holy Spirit of God will NEVER contradict what is said (what God breathed) in His Word.

God has said that we have all we need for life and godliness.  The Spirit brings to mind what is written in the Word that can enable us to ive a God-glorifying life in every way.  That is His role (John 15-17).  He is our Helper and our Comforter.

So, while not living in one error – how do we not live in the other error:

1.  Pray for the Spirit to bring to remembrance Scriptures that can light your path (John 15-17, Psalm 119).  When you are in a situation that you need counsel on, first go to the Word.  He will guide you.

2.  Put every action or decision up against the authority of God’s Word.  It is perfect and will never lead you astray.  It is sufficient for leading us and for directing your life in perfect wisdom.  It has no errors.

3.  Read the Word and what it says about the Holy Spirit.  Find a concordance or look in a study Bible or even pick up books like Wayne Grudem’s Bible Doctrines, the Holy Trinity by Robert Letham, or Francis Chan’s Forgotten God (I’m sure there are plenty of others).  Study who the Holy Spirit is.  Strive to know Him just as well as you know the Father and the Son.