Today was the first day of being at our new church.  We got a warm welcome, the “right hand of fellowship” as Baptists call it – but this isn’t a Baptist church.

Heard a great sermon by the missions pastor from 1 Cor 3 on not taking any boast or division in man – but boasting only in Christ.  What a truth we all need to here.

We sang one of my favorite hymns “And Can It Be”.  Love it – how Luther-esque it is.  I remember singing it all the time in seminary at SEBTS, it was one of David Nelson’s fave songs.  We sang it so many times in chapel.

The saddest part but also the best part – it was the first and last time (for a while) that Eric and I will get to sit together for the entire service.  Love singing next to him.  Getting to hold his hand while we listen to the sermon.  Hearing what strikes him as “important” – those ah-ha moments that he has as he listens.  For a while I will be sitting with baby in the back.  So…I will sit with other people.

It was very good to put names with faces that I’ve met on facebook.  Already feel at home in this church – and thankful for the friendly welcome.  The last lady that came through the line to shake our hands – handed us a massive bag of Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips.  Don’t worry – the bag didn’t even make it home unopened.  It was a good appetizer!