So maybe these aren’t new, but they are on my mind this morning, and I can choose to do something about them!

1.  I’m opinionated.  Maybe its because I have a blog and think that people actually care what I think about stuff.  Maybe who knows why.  Its prideful and arrogant to think that I can offer my thoughts at random no matter who they hurt.  And the ones I love should rather know that I’m their biggest fan and that they are loved more than they need to know my preference.  Phil 2.4 – that is not love, along with 1 Cor 13.  I’d rather live like Landis Barnes (in the live like Paul sorta way, because he lives like Jesus) then share my opinions.

2.  I’m overweight.  Ok – I know I just had a baby, but that doesn’t excuse my eating habits.  And I can keep saying stuff about it and still keep eating poorly and being disappointed by the way I look and feel and the way none of my clothes fit – or I can do something about it.  Food doesn’t taste that good!

Now, my note about self-realizations – they are not self-actualizations.  Just because I am them – doesn’t mean I have to stay that way.  Phil 1.6 and my continuing gospel sanctification (Hole in our Holiness) should let me know that the Spirit is going to keep working in my life.  I’m thankful.