I love having the privilege to pray for my husband.  It is something we as wives must do EVERY DAY .  I need help in having that faithfulness, especially now since having a baby.

I like to read books along with the Bible that teach about his role as a husband or elder.  This book, The Shepherd Leader at Home has been wonderful.  Witmer has been forthright and winsome in giving husbands their job description in leading their wives and children.  What an important and large task at hand!

What’ve I’ve learned most from this book is how I can be a helpmeet to him.  That is why I read these books.  I want to know what they are commanded to do from God, then how I can help them be a better husband. One way is not sulking when I don’t get my way, but joyfully following his leadership.

This book is conversational and easy to read, has study questions that would be great for a group discussion, and is centered on Scripture and not just man’s opinion.