This year I am working my way through Psalm 119.  Thankful the Holy Spirit works in new ways every time you read the Word.  This time reading through this long psalm I have a son, a little boy with a curious mind.  I read Psalm 119.9 in a whole new light.

“How can a young man keep his way pure, but keeping it according to Your Word.”

These are some thoughts about parenting about that verse:

1.  You, as parents of young boys, have direct influence over what they see and therefore engage with their minds.  This world has so much to bombard our minds with – beginning at such an early age.  Most children in the world these days have access to kindles, ipads, iphones, etc.  Televisions blare many hours a day in the majority of homes with small children.  What influences your child?  The Bible says we are Christian parents have a duty to actively participate and be in charge of the parenting and shaping of their minds – every minute of it.  Deuteronomy 6:4-14 commands to always DO parenting.

2.  Fill their minds with Scripture.  As I am driving around with my 4 month infant, I am usually playing Andrew Peterson’s Slugs and Bugs CD.  Those songs are stuck in my head all day.  What do I want to be stuck in his head all day as he grows and matures?  I want the Word.  When his dad and I correct him or discipline him, I want Scripture to motivate our disciplining and help shape his little mind and heart.  We pray and claim the promises of God that if his mind is filled with Scripture, he will keep his way pure.  God’s promises are true.

3.  We pray.  As we parent, we don’t do it on our own.  I’ve tried.  I’ve tried going days without praying and filling my mind with the Word.  It doesn’t work.  I’m more anxious, fearful, and irritable (with both my son and my husband).  We can’t parent without praying without ceasing and just resting in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And after all these things, we accept and live in grace.  We will fail.  Our kids, no matter how cute, cuddly, and irrististably snuggly, but their sinners – just like their parents.  Every one of us.  We all stand and parent and live and love in need of grace.
