Sisters.  Sisters.  There were never such devoted sisters.

S and A and their mom Jennifer are such sweet dear people.  Jennifer and I go way back (to her middle school days) and I love the fact that me and my son get to be a part of their lives.  For this session we were in Palm Coast, FL at Princess Place Preserves – never been there, want to go back.  It is such an old Florida place – trees, moss, water, not a bazillion tourists around!  Then we trekked back to St. Augustine and had lunch at her parent’s place and played on the beach with the seagulls!

Such sweet time!

Such a lovely place for an outing - Princess Place Preserve in Palm Coast, FL

Such a lovely place for an outing – Princess Place Preserve in Palm Coast, FL

Love those lips and that pout!

Love those lips and that pout!


She had fun doodling in the sand

She had fun doodling in the sand


sweet back seat hugs

sweet back seat hugs


I wanna go to the beach mommy!

I wanna go to the beach mommy!


Thoise eyes!

Thoise eyes!


What is all this white stuff?

What is all this white stuff?


Love that belly laugh!

Love that belly laugh!


So sweet little girl!

So sweet little girl!


This is the "Mommy it is bright, I don't want to look" face!

This is the “Mommy it is bright, I don’t want to look” face!


Such sisterly love!

Such sisterly love!


Reading already!  She's brilliant!

Reading already! She’s brilliant!


Chasing seagulls

Chasing seagulls