I really think this will be the last one of this series (some of you might be glad).  I hope this series has been helpful.

Let me clarify a few things that were pointed out to me by talking with my husband and then turn our eyes to the point of this part 3.

We are all created differently and uniquely.  We all have different gifts, talents, and callings.  We all should use those to God’s glory.  I know many women who have only longed to be a wife and a mother from the time they could hold a baby doll.  Some of them are dear friends and struggle with a period of singleness because they just want to fulfill these desires.  If that is you – praise God.  I pray that He either has given you your heart’s desire or will fulfill it soon.

I know some other women who may have gotten married later (or right out of high school/college) who have other plans and desires other than to be a wife and a mother.  But, along the way, that woman gets married and its the best thing that has happened to her.  Then she must figure out a way to make that calling (a wife and maybe a mom one day) a priority in her life without hopefully dying to everything else.  I fit into that category.

Since we all fit somewhere in either of those categories – I trust that we can all believe the best from each other and not try to force the other life on every woman.  Encourage them women in your life to live every minute of their days to God’s glory – not their own.  It will look different for each woman.

Here is the main point of this post: when I struggle – how do I find hope in the gospel?  My husband and I have many conversations about how Christ is found at the center of the Word – so how is Christ found at the center of my life and my struggles.  I am very thankful for the psalmists.  These psalms were read aloud to the people of God as part of their worship services.  They weren’t just read to one person.  I’m so glad the God-breathed book tells us of the struggles that even “a man after God’s own heart” faced at times.  What did he do?  He wrote those down as God commanded him to.  He let his struggles be known.  He wasn’t looking for validation for those strggules or wanting to be told that he was ok in those struggles.  He may have just wanted a listening ear or someone to say “I’ve been there too”.  But, then at the end of it, maybe even days later when the psalmist was able to hear it and receive it – say God is here.  He is bigger.  The psalmists weren’t perfect – just like we aren’t perfect.  I believe that we can share life with others and share our struggles and hopefully in doing so come back to the gospel.

It is hard to hear from “perfect” people. You don’t think you have anything in common.  But, those people that say, “I have a hard time submitting, or I want something more out of this life, or raising my kids is tough at times” – then turn it back to say God is good in it and He will be there every minute to sustain you – those are the people I want to hear from.  God doesn’t require perfection from us – because He knew we could never fulfill it.  That is why He sent Jesus.

Jesus even struggled with the cross.  He said take this cup from me – but not my will but yours.  Obedience came even from great struggle and distress.  He was a perfect High Priest who is able to understand our struggles and empathize with us.  He endured.

So can we.  Endure well – even in the struggles.  Don’t be afraid to share those struggles – and to point people to the hope of the Gospel.