Disney has some great movies that are accompanied by some equally wonderful music. The Little Mermaid is a favorite and I heard many songs from the soundtrack as I was trying to calm my baby today.
As I was listening to this song, I thought poorly of my “sour” attitude lately, as I pondered these lyrics:

Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete?
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl who has everything?

I mean so I don’t get my way in everything nor is my opinion always taken freely and readily changed to my every whim…but so what?

I have Jesus.
I have an amazing husband who lives out Eph 5 for me, for our boys.
I have a wonderful amazing joyful Elijah-Bean (my nickname for him right now). He makes me smile!
I have a sweet cuddly BabyBach who needs to be held a lot to calm his stomach.
I have wonderful friends across this country who rejoice w me, share life with me, cry with me, etc.

So, aren’t I the girl – the girl who has everything?

So, when you are tempted to complain…think of Ariel just longing to be somewhere else, above the waters so blue, and remember that God has given you so many blessings.

As the old hymn line says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” And as far as other songs go, my husband picks a Song of the Month for our church and teaches it to the congregation. This month’s is fitting for November but also for everyday: 10000 reasons by Redman. Here is a line: “For all your goodness I will keep on singing, ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.”

How will you count your blessings this Thanksgiving season? How will you help your children learn how to count their blessings? More on that coming in a creative post soon! 🙂