
Today is brought to you by the word: Persevere

That is the word in every runner’s vocabulary. Every person who has ever succeeded in any fitness forum has used this word probably every day of their lives. And this week, it has had to be in mine. Its been colder here this week, and I’ve just gotten short times of exercise in with the boys around the neighborhood or to the library, but I’ve had more control over what I’ve put in my mouth. That is what has helped the scale move more this week.

1. 39 lbs down, many more to go. I rejoice in the little goals, but always keep the end goal in sight!
2. Salads are going well. Many people ask me what I’m having – just whatever looks good in the produce aisle.
3. My friend Courtney wrote this blog post on post-baby bodies/fitness/losing weight. If you are in the same boat I am, please go read this. My response to her on FB Was I wholeheartedly agree, but that doesn’t give me the right to be lazy and keep the weight on.
4. Dec 9 I will be cleared to exercise again (besides walking). I’m looking forward to doing videos in my home during nap time for the boys.
5. With the holidays right around the corner, what are your goals now for eating right and staying active? I have full control over the menu for our Thanksgiving meal (with my parents) so I look forward to creating a healthy menu!