risky gospel

Do you live by faith? Really?  My last boss asked me a question soon after I started designing and writing a church curriculum: have you ever done anything that could only be done by faith?  Honestly – no. Now, 3 years later, I would have to put parenting in that category. That’s why this book appealed to me.
Faith has got to be big and bold. Why? Because our faith is in a big and bold God.

Owen Strachan, Boyce College prof and the new director for CBMW, an organization dear to my heart, has written a book on how to live out the gospel in a risky fashion. A gutsy fashion. A bold statement.
I would liken this book to Don’t Waste Your Life or Fresh Faith. One that is true and solid and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone (wherever that zone may be) – and live big.
Not live big to make your name great, but live big for the sake of a bigger Someone.

I would recommend this book for its readability and its truth filled prodding to live life bigger.

“When redeemed sinners take on a great task that glorifies him – like entering into marriage and the formation of a life together – God is kind to lead.” (pg 107)
Whether you are like me – and you need a bigger, riskier faith in building your family of small boys. Or you are a young man or woman starting out and you need to own your job as a mission field for the gospel. Or whether you are a person who has lost what it means to live on mission for God. Or whether you need to step up and live in a community – authentically live in a local church and serve that church.
We all need to know a risky gospel. Not risky in the sense that we can lose it or that God can ever lose us – because He is faithful and true. But, risky in the sense that we can be bold and live bold for the God who gave everything for us!

PS.  I think this recent blog post by a former pastor and friend, J. D. Greear,  would make a great read too on this subject!

*I was given this book in return for a book review, but all thoughts are my own.