art garland

Thanksgiving is more than a great sweet potato pie.  And dressing.  And turkey.  And football and Macy’s parade.

I have read and re-read Noel Piper’s Treasuring God in Our Traditions.  I especially find it more meaningful now that we have children and I have a family of my own.  So, I wanted to start early at incorporating traditions that our rooted in the Gospel at every holiday.

Thanksgiving is one of the easiest holidays to incorporate a heart and attitude of Thanksgiving.  Not just one where you say grace before the meal, but one where you stop to think of all the ways you have been extremely blessed by God the Father through the Son.

Romans 8:32 says it great when it declares that God – having given us Jesus – how will he not also give us all things – freely – graciously – for our good and his glory (that’s the KCV – Kimberly Campbell version).

So, even though my boys didn’t have much say-so in what went on our Thanksgiving garland this year – I thought of the family, not just myself, and made a Thanksgiving garland.





Construction Paper



I cut out the form of a leaf (because of the fall) on to fall-colored construction paper.  Then cut them out.  I then wrote on each of them (30) one thing that we were thankful for.  Traced the leaf in glue then sprinkled it with glitter.

As the boys get older I want them to contribute the things they are thankful for, and hopefully instill in them a heart of gratitude!

What traditions do you have in your family?