
Or take one of the most popular fast food chains around, Chik-fil-A.  Every time you get something from there you are left with “My pleasure!”.  But, I know from personal experience sometimes the My Pleasure doesn’t come with a smile or even eye contact.

So, what are some ways we can instill this happy heart of reception into our children?

1.  Encourage them to say thank you when they receive something.

2.  Get them in the habit of writing thank you cards.  Even before they can write, you can have them draw pictures or color something to send in a thank you card.

3.  Say grace before each meal.  Not the trite prayers that we often say, but maybe before each meal ask them what they are thankful today.  Then, express that to the one who gives us all things by His good hand.

4.  Interest them in the Gospel.  Remind them that there is nothing they have that didn’t come from God and through Jesus Christ.  Philippians 4 and Romans 8 are great places to start, Psalm 96 – so many ways you can teach your children about this!

“But thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

Especially at the holiday time, both Thanksgiving and Christmas – with gifts and goodies constantly being given and received, teach them from a young age how to have a grateful heart!