Encouragement Project 2014

Bubbles. Sprinkles. Confetti. Cards. Pink. Balloons. Flowers.
I read a blog from a friend of mine that focuses a LOT on showing kindness, being encouraging, etc. – it is uplifting and encourages me to share kindness with other people.
Scripture tells us to show kindness to strangers, be hospitable, share encouraging words, and show the love of Christ to the world. How do we do that?
The past two years have had a lot of discouragement in them for me. So, as I embark on 2014, I want to be the one who encourages others. I received the above card from a sweet friend of mine for my birthday – but why do we need to just tell people encouraging things on their birthday? Why can’t we be an encouragement to others every day of the year?
Here is what I’m not saying: Never speak the hard truth to others. I am not saying live in fairy tale land. But, here is what I’m saying: Go above and beyond to be an encourager instead of the discourager.
1. Encourage your husband. Instead of harping on the one thing he doesn’t do for you – encourage him in all the other ways that he serves you and your family.
2. Encourage your children. Even if they are young, encourage them in ways they show kindness to their siblings, or how they exhibit a godly characteristic.
3. Encourage your neighbor, friend, or someone in your church. For me, snail mail is so important. I love sending cards and letters and little care packages to friends. This goes for any age person!
4. Encourage strangers. Pay for the car behind you in the Starbucks line. Be kind to the cashier or salesperson – many folks who shop aren’t nice.
5.  Encourage bloggers.  If you read blogs, one of the best ways to encourage the bloggers to keep doing what they love is by seeing comments.  So, tell them how much you enjoyed their blog!


In a world that offers much discouragement, be the encourager in your world. How creative can you be in sharing encouragement?