National Smores Day

Don’t you love how life teaches you lessons?  We all have days where we learn valuable lessons that will profit us to use them in the future.

Like don’t go out without an umbrella if skies are threatening rain.

Don’t date guys who don’t love Jesus first and foremost.

Always wear the same shoes – vital.

Love above all else.

When you get hurt (and you will), don’t hurt in return because it doesn’t do anyone any good.

Leave your heart open for new relationships and friendships.

And this S’mores Pie.

No Bake Fudge Smores Pie

I found out on Instagram yesterday that today is National S’mores Day (who is in charge of making these things up, anyway?).  So, all I had to do was get a few things from the store and this pie is all set for when we get home from church tonight.  It is dark, fudge, not too sweet, and topped with fluffy, sugary goodness.  Slightly burnt edges – just like the perfect campfire marshmallow before you smush it between some chocolate and graham crackers.

The lesson I learned in making this pie?  Buy a culinary torch.  It will just do you wonders and save bunches of time (because my life as a full-time mommy comes first to my adventures in The Charming South Kitchen, so I’ve gotta use those nap times wisely).  At least I was able to sip on my McDonald’s diet coke while I was waiting for my lighter to slightly burn the edges of the marshmallows.  (I adapted this recipe from Brown Eyed Baker)

No Bake Fudge S’mores Pie
Recipe Type: Dessert
Cuisine: Pie
Author: The Charming South Kitchen
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 8-10
No need for a campfire or an oven for this pie. Chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows.
  • 1 graham cracker crust, chilled
  • 6 oz bittersweet chocolate
  • 2 oz dark chocolate
  • 1/3 cup plus 1 T heavy whipping cream
  • 1 3/4 teaspoon light corn syrup
  • 3 T unsalted butter
  • 3/4 bag large marshmallows
  • handful mini marshmallows
  1. Heat the cream and light corn syrup on stove until slightly boiling (you don’t want to overheat it because it will burn).
  2. Pour the heated cream mixture over the chocolate and stir until smooth.
  3. Add the butter and stir until creamy.
  4. Gently spread the chocolate mixture in the bottom of the graham cracker pie crust
  5. Place the marshmallows on top, gently pressing them into the fudge filling.
  6. Heat with a torch or match or however you want to light them, to the crispiness of your liking.
  7. Let come to room temp before serving
  8. Cut slices and serve.

