old salem

Hump days are no reason not to search out fun things on the internet – so here you go!  Have fun and tell me what you are finding interesting out there!

I really would love to go to this.  Its not possible, but still I’d love to go.

I’m doing some series-planning in my head about boys and books.  Here is a good list according to age.  What books do you read to your children under 3 and how do you keep them sitting still?

All you “I have to do everything” people out there (hello, me) read this by my friend Sharon.

A girl I was briefly able to know during my time in Louisville – is such a breath of fresh air in the blog world.  I love her mom-real-ness, her creativity, and everything else.

This 20-something chose to describe herself in 5 words: what would your five words be:  Mine would be: introvert, creative, loyal, emotional, lover-of-my-men (1 husband, 2 boys)

I missed a great blogging conference with friends in Arkansas – but a friend posted her thoughts on food blogging.