Christmas Heart

This is really just a post on where my heart is this morning!

The past few weeks have been great!  We’ve been given so much, some unexpected, some found in our stockings.  We’ve enjoyed God’s goodness to our family another Christmas.  Our boys unwrapped toys and trucks and books – and only one pair of socks.  I got stuff I wanted.  The Mister got stuff he wanted.  The boys got stuff they didn’t even know they wanted.

We spent time with friends.

And then I get on Instagram this morning – and I look at what others got – or places they are going – or how gorgeous their photos turned out.  I look out at people filled with hope of a good future.  I look at those poised on a new take on life – and they don’t realize all that lies in store for them.

And then I remember that God came.  Immanuel. Light to shine in darkness.  In the darkness of my ever wanting heart.  Amazingly – this year – not for material things – but for time, peace, and healing.

I do pray that each of you can look at what you have, never take it for granted, and savor each moment.