
I love writing challenges.  This month will be a challenge by Brave Love Blog who encourages us with daily writing prompts to build community and have our blog tell a story – and to share that with others.

I’m Kimberly and I live in the state of Georgia.  I live with my mister of almost 4 years (next month) and my two little misters (who will be 3 and 2 this Fall).

Kimberly Headshot

Florida holds my state of home-ness.  I had a license plate when I lived in North Carolina that said FL GIRL.  My parents still live in the house I grew up in.  My brother and his wife live in the state of Florida too.  I didn’t grow up going to beaches because we had a pool, but now I think that is the best place in the world to be.  I went to college at Flagler – in St. Augustine, which I think is one of the prettiest places in the world.  I got my official start working in ministry at Anastasia Baptist Church – working with the youth there.  Learned a lot about ministry and working with others and leadership.  Met my mentor in college.  I daily see her reflection in my life.  Our second son is named after her, so yeah, I think she is pretty important.

I then moved to North Carolina – which I honestly think is quite possibly the most perfect state in the union.  I went to Southeastern Seminary, made some amazing friends, learned a lot about life and relationships, and got my life more centered on the Gospel.  I started attending an amazing church and worked with college girls.  I love discipleship.  Community and relationships.

I also got my love of cooking in college and then worked for Williams-Sonoma after seminary – so anything I I can serve around the table to bless others and fill their bellies – the better.  And I loved the great employee discount.

I loved to Louisville KY after a short stop back at home in Florida with my parents.  I worked for Southern Seminary and one of the admins there who I greatly respect.  I met more amazing friends.  I heard some gospel-centered preaching that would change how I look at the Word of God.

Then, I got my dream job writing curriculum at a church in Raleigh.  It was amazing.  God so prepared me for this job by my time in Louisville.

Then I met my husband.  Blessed event.  Short engagement.  Crazy time since then.  We’ve had two babies, lived in two different states, and always cling to the gospel and each other because we don’t know what is going to come our way.At Jekyll

Now, I’m a wife, mom, creative (photographer, writer, handletterer, chef), and someone who loves relationships, community, health and fitness, and travel (though that’s so rare right now with two littles and a tight budget).  The gospel invades all of these things at their core.

Me and the boys

I look forward to sharing more randomness for the month of September with yall.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!