24 Day

Every time I see the number 24, I think of the TV hit show. And I never even watched it.  But, funny thing what advertising does to your brain!

My days start early (around 6).  Most days I go to my nearby McDonald’s for unsweet tea and time with Jesus.  I’m so thankful my husband gets to sleep in, then he gets the boys up and dressed and then plays with them.

830 we do breakfast altogether.  We may not always eat the same thing – but we do try to eat together.

915 – most days he leaves for work and we are off to do errands or play dates or travel fun. Mondays are donut day, trader joes, and the mcd’s play place if everyone has had an obedient morning.

The above will slightly change next week – as life is always changing – our older son starts preschool for 3yo at a great local elementary school  He has to be there by 750 – he’s not even up most mornings by 750.  Then he’ll get done at noon.  So, I think we are going to switch donut day to Saturdays and go to Trader Joes after he gets out of school on Mondays to see our favorite TJ people.

Then we eat lunch and both boys (right now at least) are down for 2-3 hours for an afternoon nap.

Then we usually watch Dinosaurs or Bob the Builder and head to the gym about 4.  Sometimes we drive around and look at the school buses, bulldozers, planes, and trains.  Maybe even stop in and get a free jr frosty.

We get done with the gym usually by 630 and eat dinner, then read and wash up and change diapers to go to bed.  I love reading with my boys.  I read with each one of them seperately.  Tonight it was the Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton for the little one and Apples Up On Top for the older

Then some days my mister is already home and we eat dinner, watch a favorite show, a documentary, or just crash.  Somedays, like tonight, he doesn’t get home until 830 so I clean or blog or watch one of my shows.

During their nap time is when I blog, cook, clean, fold clothes, be creative, email, write book reviews, read, etc.  I love that time and don’t know what I’ll do when they stop taking their naps.  And I love my early morning time.

Usually we go to bed anywhere between 10-12, but lately its been 9 because the days have been long.