
We are coming up to the end of our blogtember challenge.  Its been good – but more on that tomorrow.  Today is my chance to ask the questions – and answer any of them that you want to.

  1.  How did you come to know Jesus – if you are a Christian?
  2. Who was the teacher that had the biggest influence on you?
  3. Besides the person who gave you birth and Jesus – who is the one person that has had the greatest impact on your life – and why?
  4. What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?
  5. If you could live anywhere else other than the place you currently live – why would you want to live there?
  6. If you could go on one mission trip for a year – where would it be and what would you do?
  7. What style would you say your home is?  Share pictures!
  8. If you had a crazy dream that you would love to see come true one day – what it would be – like a reallllly big, God-sized dream?
  9. What book isn’t out there and what book would you like to write?
  10. Who is your best friend and why is she (or he) your BFF?