Blogtember Wrap-up

I hope you have enjoyed coming along with me on this Blogtember challenge.  Today, as the challenge concludes, I thought I’d share some thoughts about how it went:

  1.  First, I wanted to meet new readers by doing this challenge – and I did.
  2. Second, I wanted to learn a discipline of writing every day – I did.
  3. Third, I wanted to remember that there are more important things than blogging – and I did.

On the third one – I always was mindful of what was going on in our home.  Was my mister home?  Were we doing anything special or were we both sitting on the couch working and watching a mindless show or a repeat?  Were my kids awake and playing and demanding my attention or were they asleep?  Was the house a mess (please don’t let my mister answer that!)

I know quite a few people schedule posts well ahead of time, and I’m usually not that person, unless it is for a site that is not my own – like a book review or recipe for another company.  I like to write and post – sort of like instant gratification.

I hope you have learned something new about me – and hopefully challenged yourself to answer the questions that I have answered.  Starting tomorrow, 31Days is happening on the blog – we are going to be looking at the overwhelming character of God found in Psalm 51.  Join me.