Here’s a new Friday and a new introduction to a new friend!


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 Hello!  My name is Danielle and I’m brand new to the maker scene! Well, I’ve been a maker all my life, but now I’m a seller too! I opened my shop, The Little Things, less than 6 months ago. Grateful to be a part of the maker community!!

I have a degree in Interior Design, which I put into practice in Atlanta for 6 years. Then something stirred inside me and I developed a huge heart for missions.  I spent about 5 years working for a small overseas missions organization.  God has me taking a step back for a season.  It has become perfect opportunity to open my shop! Something that’s always been a dream of mine. I’m back in my home state of Michigan. Currently my “day job” (as I like to call it) has me working at the front desk of a counseling office. When I’m not there, you can find me working in my shop, attempting to stay Paleo, playing with my nieces and nephews or scrolling through social media!  Ha!

If we could sit down at your favorite coffee shop together, where would that be and what would you be drinking?

So hard to decide!  There are lots of little coffee shops where I live in Grand Haven, MI.  Today I would pick The Bakers Wife and I’d be drinking a hot green tea.  If I were still in Atlanta, my favorite has always been Land of a Thousand Hills in Roswell.

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I love your state-designed prints. How did you get started in those?

Thank you! Since Michigan has a rather unique shape, I’ve seen Michigan themed designs for a long time.  It seems that “state love” is not just for Michigan any more and as popular as ever, so I couldn’t help myself!

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Where did your love of design come from?

I think I must have been born with it!  I even remember sketching houses when I was little.  My mom is super-woman when it comes to all things creative – basket-making, sewing, quilting, collages, even baking.  I must have some of her genes because I get so much joy from designing, creating and making anything and everything!

What is your favorite medium to work with and what is the thing that inspires you the most?

Favorite medium? I don’t know if I could pick!  I started with cards and prints because I’ve always enjoyed it and I had all the supplies just waiting for me.  There are so many other things I enjoy though!  Including sewing and lots of random Pinterest inspired projects.  This may sound silly, but thrifting inspires me!  I go with my mom a lot and I’m constantly seeing things and thinking “I could make that into something!”

What are three things in your life that you can’t live without?

I need my quiet time!  If I don’t get even just a little in the morning, my entire day feels off.  Music.  I’ve pretty much got it on 24/7.  And a list!  Whether it’s hand-written or digital.  A calendar or a task list.  Work or personal.  I just need a list!

You mention your love of Jesus, please share something he is teaching you about himself and how incorporate that truth into your art.

Right now I feel like He’s teaching me how to rely on Him MORE!  I see His strength kicking in when I have none.  Not so much physical strength, but that sustaining grace that helps me to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I hadn’t thought about how I incorporate that into my work, but I will be from now on!  Some of the quotes on my prints come from ideas that have settled in my heart.  I’ve had lots of different thoughts about how my shop could have a kingdom-impact, and I haven’t landed on any of them yet.  I’m hoping in the near future to figure out how to dedicate a percentage of my proceeds to support work in the 1040 Window.

Go show some love to Danielle!