Roswell Cemetery

Happy Sunday to all of you out there.  This morning as my mister and I were standing in church together (doesn’t happen often in between serving in nursery, my mister leading worship, or my misters work schedule, or sick kids) I was sobbing because of hearing how the grieving process for a couple who lost their teenage daughter still continues.

Then I sent my mister a text later in the service after he had gone to work saying that I long for the day that the tears are replaced with laughter and smiles and our lives are marked more by grace than what has happened in our lives.

So, as I’ve already cried, shared nuggets and a frosty with my little misters, and practiced some yoga – here are some happy links – things that make me smile!

Since it is pumpkin season and my little little is turning 2 this Tuesday – we are so doing this to celebrate!

This friend always makes me smile.  She made me smile in high school and her lovely blog including these DIY spectaculars make me smile today – and remembering back to seeing my first aspens with her 5 years ago.

Since my phone is attached to me almost at all times and because of my love for photography and capturing every moment so I can remember the moment – think I need to memorize these

These pretty calendars really make me wish I had some talent.

The bag of chopped up butternut squash I get weekly at my Trader Joes always makes me smile and so does a good mac and cheese.

Just because I love kale in salads and its healthy for me and I want to use up all the squash because its fall and I need to combat birthday cake this week…

I have no doubt that these cookies would make me smile because of the butterscotch chips – but then I wouldn’t smile when I looked at the scale after I ate half the batch.