Karisse Joy

I’ve known some pretty creative people in my life, and this long time friend is certainly one of them.  Her life is one turn after another and I love to watch how she handles it all with a creative flair.  And her latest project – a coloring book with a spiritual tone to it (mostly for adults) is definitely a winner and would make a great Christmas present for any one over the age of 8 – but really thinking for the lovely creative lady on your list or even the teenager who loves to be creative with a crayon or colored pencil.  Now that I’ve given you one way to finish your Christmas shopping, let me introduce you to my friend, Karisse.

We’ve not sat down together in a long time – but if we were sitting down together for a cup of coffee in a favorite coffee shop – what would you be drinking and where would we be?

We would be sitting at my favorite coffee shop: The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf! I fell in love with this place when I lived in Los Angeles and wish they had one here in Florida! I would be drinking a Strawberry Tea Latte or a Vanilla Iced Blended which chocolate covered coffee beans. We, of course, would be lucky enough to have snagged the corner with the comfy chairs. 🙂

Be Kind

This coloring book is a new venture for you – but not living the creative life.  Can you tell us about some of your other creative works?  (Folks, she did beautiful art of Scripture for my boys’ rooms.

My sister and I started a small art company called “Pretty Philosophie“. We paint inspiring quotes and silhouettes. (Our fave silhouettes are of Audrey Hepburn, Anne of Green Gables and Marilyn Monroe.) We never use stencils and I often do the lettering freehand! I’m also in the process of writing two books! One is the story of how my grandmother (Oma) escaped from Concentration Camp in Yugoslavia. (We aren’t Jewish, but German and our people were put into concentration camps right after WWII.  The other book is about my experience with cancer and what I learned about myself, illness and God in the process.

Why a coloring book and why a quiet time?

Let’s be real. Sometimes reading the Bible, focusing while praying and meditating on Scripture can be difficult. At least, it can be for me. When I was in high school I started writing out my prayers as a way to help me focus on them. In college I doodled while I took notes so I could pay attention. In my 20’s I started writing out passages of Scripture in “fancy” lettering so that I was forced to work slowly and really meditate on the verses. And I’ve always loved coloring!

Creative Quiet Time: A Coloring Book for Your Soul is my labor of love to pass these practices on to others. I wanted to enable a way for people to spend time with God while using the arts and creativity. Besides, God is the one who created the arts, and, well, creativity! My prayer is that this book enables people to connect their mind, soul and spirit to Jesus and receive revelation of His ways and His love as they color.


What is your favorite coloring page in the whole book?

Oh, that’s a tough one! I think that my favorite, because it’s so detailed, is the “Be kind to yourself” page. “Be kind to yourself” was my motto in 2014 and it bled into 2015 as well. I based that on Philippians 4:8–focusing on things that are life giving, true, beautiful and lovely. So often, we are our own worse critic and don’t see ourselves the way that God sees us. We have a tendency to have a negative track running through our minds. But, Jesus has countless loving thoughts towards us, and I think we should have the same towards ourselves.

What will be coming next from the creative genius of Karisse?

Oh gosh! I am hoping that a second coloring book, or a new and improved version of the current one (with extra pages) are on the horizon. And finishing my books! Both of them! My sister and I will continue to work on our art and are expanding to include furniture refurbishing too!

Creativity and Travel

You love to travel – how has that played in to your creative life?

I think you spice up your life by travel. It’s beautiful to see how each culture expresses themselves. God has used that to reveal to me aspects of Himself that I wouldn’t have noticed if I was at home. I love pulling the various pieces of design from each place too. Thailand is full of sparkles and vivid colors. India is packed with details in every nook and cranny. South Africa has a freedom about it that is so warm and welcoming. France and Italy have a regal beauty that invites you to sit and enjoy what surrounds you. I think I have borrowed from every culture I’ve encountered.

Why do you love the color teal?

You know, that’s a great question. If you knew me in college (or right after) you would say that my favorite color is purple. While I still love purple, in the last decade teal has taken over. There is just something so fun, free and inviting about that color. It’s just perfect.