Pears on a Plate

Happy Saturday yall.  If you are on the east coast – pretty much means you got some snow – or you are enjoying balmy beach weather like my friends in FL and the lower coast beaches.  Oh the life.  We got a heavy dusting here in the ATL area – but what that means is now it is cold and windy and we are going to stay inside.  Everyone hit up the grocery stores yesterday (including me for fruits and veggies) and we are in for tonight – with my favorite men and a fire!

So I wanted to give yall some link love to have a happy time surfing tonight while you sip something warm and prop up your feet by a fire, or watch Frozen for the 50th time, or just snuggle under a blanket.

Oh because you always need a great breakfast when you are snowed in – or really anytime.

Because it is Girl Scout cookie time and I’d rather make something than by a box.

Because why let your muscles go limp when you are stuck at home.  Many good workouts, but if you don’t want to do any more squats – check this out

Such a good reminder to believe our husbands, know God’s definition of beauty, and believe God!

In case you always use your phone camera even though you have a really nice one.  Read this.