Easter Leftovers Recipe Roundup

Here we are, another holiday come and gone.  Easter is such a special one because the Resurrection of Christ is really all that life hinges on!  And spring is usually close by so the weather is somewhat good – depending on the year and when Easter falls.  I love being around my misters.  And we always cook.  I usually cook a lot more than what I did – but I wanted to share with you some recipes from around the internet that will help you know what to do with those Easter dinner leftovers – or you might just want to cook them anyway because they are super yummy!


Leftover Lamb:

Here is a slow cooker stew that you can use – and then spend all your time in the outdoors soaking up the spring air.

Because everything can go in tacos!

I always think of gyros when I think of lamb – and here is a pita pocket recipe you can easily make at home.


Leftover Ham:

Fettucini is amazing – and ham in it is a wonderful choice – you can always through in leftover vegetables in here too.

Baked potato night is a regular monthly night in our house (or more).  Ham is such a delicious topping.

These are perfect if you have little hands.  I am hoping my boys will go for these.


Leftover Hard-Boiled Eggs:

I could eat this with a spoon or on top of a salad.

This isn’t a recipe – but you need to go here if you are in the Triangle part of Carolina.  So good.

Throw them on salads like the one I had for lunch today

Salad with egg, avocado, and bacon


Leftover Candy:

These truffles may have to be made soon (oh, wait, there goes my diet)

I started making these when I hung out with the admins at Providence.  So good – chocolate!

I love blondies – and these can be quite colorful!