Good night times in our home can be challenging, and rewarding too.  It is the end of the day, but there are some nights that my boys are still wired.  It seems they get done with dinner and just want to jump on the beds.

So, we love sitting on the edge of the bed and reading together.  It really is a sweet time and one I enjoy.  It also allows me to breathe from trying to get them to calm down so I can get there pjs and diapers ready for the long night.

A new book that I just received from Tommy Nelson is Good Night, God.  It is a sweet board book, perfect for little hands (many ripped pages in our home) that has wonderful delightful thoughts and prayers about God and to God.  Some of the truths that it tells your littles about God is that He protects, gives peace, covers you in love, shows kindness to you, is always with you, and many others.

While this book doesn’t cover every aspect of God’s character (which book does, except maybe a systematic theology), this is a great started for knowing the character of God.

If you would like to win one of these for your kids, please just tell me one of the characteristics of God you love teaching your children.