Praying is something that is vital to the Christian life.  And what better thing to teach our children but to pray to a God who made them and desires them to talk to Him.

The fact that we can talk to the very God who created us is an exciting thing.  He hears us!  He desires our words.  He hears our cries when no one else does.

At meals, especially when Daddy is home, our little prayers are short, but super sweet to watch.  Our younger who is almost 3, clasps his hands real tight and squeezes his eyes shut super tight.  Both of our boys say Amen in such a way that you totally know they are from the South.

Tommy Nelson gave me I Can Learn to Pray for me to read with our boys and share with you.  Continue reading to learn how to win a copy of your own for your family devotion times.

This book is designed for young school age kids.  There are 52 devotions, so you can use one a week and really concentrate on repetition so each of your children get it.  These devotions are great jumping off point for your family devotions, discussions, and any activities you might want to include.

If you do want to win this from Tommy Nelson, just leave a comment here or on a social media post  The book will be coming from social media, but I (kcreatives) want to include a moleskin prayer journal so you can keep track of prayer requests for your family.  So, what your comment needs to have is a verse that you would like written on the front of the moleskin.

Thanks for loving your kids well for the sake of the Gospel and teaching them how to pray!