IPC Church Savannah

We are more than halfway through 2016 and rushing headlong into 2017.  So, what are you thinking about, looking forward to, and anticipating for the remainder of the year?

The Fall is always busy for us as we have the holidays but also our anniversary and our two little boys both have Fall birthdays.  There is never a dull moment and I sorta like it that way.

I do love downtime – and really the only downtime that I absolutely love is downtime with my mister.  Whether it is a date night out in the city, a date night in, or just watching Netflix – that is always my favorite part of the day.

I’m usually not a slipper kind of girl – I really just love barefeet – but these are super cute, and super expensive (so they will just stay cute on someone else’s feet)

Love lettering and stuff for your home, and was just introduced to this little Etsy shop

Music is something super important to me.  And it is also the most painful to me at times.  Love this discussion with David Mathis and Bob Kauflin

These would be super tasty on a cloudy afternoon – I think maybe even better with blueberries.  Perfect for Sundays when you serve brinner.