Each of us is on a spiritual journey.  Whether you consider yourself a Christian or another religion, all of us are on a journey that takes us outside of ourselves.  Journeys are important.  I believe that Jesus is the only true way to God – who created each of us and has a perfect wonderful overwhelming plan for our lives.

Part of my journey was in college where I was introduced to the writings and ministry of Henri Nouwen.  My youth ministries professor and friend had us read many of his books and they were very insightful and spiritual.

Now, 20+ years later, I’m still enjoying Nouwen’s writings. I’m sure all of us would have different opinions on his writings, his life, and his beliefs…but I do know that he ministered to people out of his own brokenness and the healing that he found in his relationship with God.

Love, Henri is a collection of his correspondence over many decades of his life.  I love the biographical nature of each heading – knowing where he lived his life and people’s lives that he helped…but mostly I loved how he intersected life and his beliefs in God into every breath.  He hurt. He loved.  He ministered.  He traveled.  He needed people.  He needed God.

I hope you will pick up this book, read the letters, as if Henri was writing to you.  And be encouraged.

And that is one reason I love snail mail – the opportunity to encourage others.  And have the ministry that you do live beyond yourself.

Thanks Blogging for Books for this book.  All opinions are my own.