Now that school has started back I have more time to listen to podcasts in the car while I’m driving around town or working on art projects at home – or just cleaning or cooking dinner.

So, here are a list of my favorites this month.  Some are new, some are older.  But, I hope you listen to them and are encouraged like I was.  And if you have any podcasts that you’ve loved (specific episodes, please tell me about them!

The Turquoise Table.  Not one of her’s in particular but her tagline “gather small, love deep”.  I love that.  I love having a few people at a time at our table.  Not only because we don’t have a huge table but more importantly because I love being about to talk with people.  And if you have lots of people over at once you get a bunch of short conversations instead of deep meaningful ones.

Sally Clarkson – quite a few this month:  This one on cultivating creativity in your children was probably my favorite one all month.  Such a good reminder of grace and the gospel in this one.  And you will wanna check out her latest one’s with Sarah (her daughter) on Book Girl.

I’ve been to many women’s conferences.  I wish every woman, whether a speaker or not, would listen to this one from Christy Wright.

Mamas or teachers of little ones will love this podcast for early readers.

Bret Lott shares on creativity and writing and being a Christian in the secular world.  

Amber Tysl joins my friend Sarah to talk about hospitality and thrifting.  I really wish I could sit down with Amber – who is a mama, photographer, thrifter, DIYer, and loves hospitality. I think we could be friends.

This Isaiah 61 episode of The Summit Church’s Praying the Bible – spot on!