Edited books are fun. Here’s why. You get so many different perspectives in one book.  Usually the authors are coming from one point of view or worldview.

This book, edited by John MacArthur, such a scholar and pastor for decades, is all about the Kingship of Jesus.  Covers many topics and all grounded in Scripture.  Not just tagging a Scripture, but grounding their conclusions in the Word of God.

Since you do have so many personalities in the writing, I found some of the book to be haughty in its language, tone, and how it applied the Word.  But, other parts I felt were winsome and engaging.

If you need a book to help you through maybe a time of the liturgical calendar year, to focus on King Jesus, this would be a helpful one.  And it would make you think and get to know your own way you can be winsome and engaging with the authority of Jesus.

Thanks to Moody Publishers for sending me this book to review.  All opinions are my own.