September…it was a month of trying out some new podcasts, but for the most part I came back to the tried and faithful ones.

October is now here, but before we get too far into Fall, I wanted to share with you my favorite listens from the past 30 days.

Collaborate.  This one was a tough listen for me.  I’m all for collaborating.  I think it hurts though (yes, I’m 41 and rejection still hurts, blame it on my Enneagram 3w4 heart) when others reject your ideas for collaboration.  But, we move on.

Russ Moore on Cultivated.  So, these two people are in my top 5 right now.  So, when they team up for a podcast, that’s gotta be a winner, right?  So good. And no matter the topic either of these men speak on – just listen to it – you’ll get something from it.

Sarah and Sally and Tolkien.  So this one got me reading The Hobbit.  For the first time. I’m enjoying it.  We’ll see how long it takes me to finish though.

Shame. TGC putting out a talk from Mary Willson on shame.  Can I tell you how good this is?  Just go listen to it.  Probably my favorite this month.

Health and Leadership.  Really, health for anyone…he brings up a lot of good points.  And I would say this whether the host was a friend or not!

Autumn is Here.  Another one by Sally.  Good reminders as we head into a new season.

And if you head on over to Sarah’s podcast,  you can get a free download designed by me!